It's a complex task to stay abreast of the capital solutions that are available to your business. At Roodhals, we stay on top of developments in new financial products and its providers in the financial marketplace, at home and abroad. Our responsibility is to translate its complexity into accessible solutions for your company.
Starting by thoroughly analysing and benchmarking your strategy and plans, we are able to match you to the most appropriate capital provider.
Because every company's capital needs are unique, we assist with finding solutions that are pragmatic yet innovative, and above all a good fit for you.
Solutions can range from a bank refinancing to private debt or asset-backed facilities, subordinated debt or private equity.
We are your capital advisor, not only reliable when it comes to executing deals, but also aligned with your strategy.
Our team's track record extends into the following services:
► Capital structuring & advisory
► Capital raising
► Balance sheet restructuring
► Strategic advisory - M&A